23 January, 2025

Regional Centre


News Detail

Counselling Schedule for PGDRDOL Programme for learners from all Regional Centres of IGNOU for Jan 2023 session

6 September, 2023

 Counselling Schedule for PGDRDOL Programme for learners from all Regional Centres of IGNOU for Jan 2023 session 


Dear Learners,

It is to inform that Regional Centre Dehradun has  been identified as the Nodal RC for conducting the online counselling sessions for Post Graduate Diploma in Rural Development (PGDRD) for  learners admitted in January 2023 cycle.  Accordingly, Regional Centre Dehradun has prepared the Counselling Schedule for the programme. These sessions  have been scheduled from 8 Sep 2023 onwards. 

The link of  the Counselling Schedule (through Google Sheet Format) is given below:

The schedule contains the hyperlinks of google meet of online counselling, which will navigate the visitor directly to the scheduled online class. 

Important Instructions:

1. Please join the ONLINE SESSIONS using Google Meet link given with each course code.

2. All the learners are requested to MUTE their MIC during classes. For any query, learners should raise hand. During interaction, learners may open their MIC to share their queries.

3. Learners will be allowed to join classes during initial 10 minutes of the class commencement.

4. Learners are instructed to write their Name, Enrolment Number and Study Centre Code in chat box for showing their presence in the class.

5. There will be intensive counselling if the number of attendees is less than 10 into consecutive sessions.

6. I-Card is mandatory while attending the sessions. Counsellor may ask to show ID card during counselling.

7. The session may be recorded, and all will be under strict surveillance. Disciplinary action shall be taken against the candidates while creating any nuisance.

8. For any query regarding above, you may contact rcdehradun@ignou.ac.in

9. For getting updates about the counselling, we advise you to join our Telegram Channel through link: https://t.me/ignouddn


All learners are invited to attend the Online Counselling Sessions as per the Schedule.


Regional Director

IGNOU Regional Centre Dehradun