09 February, 2025

Regional Centre


News Detail

Schedule of Practical Counselling and Practical Exams (TEPE June 2024) for MAPC, BAPCH and BAG (Psychology)

21 July, 2024

 Schedule of Practical Counselling and Practical Exams (TEPE June 2024) for MAPC, BAPCH and BAG (Psychology)


Dear Learners MAPC / BAPCH/ BAG (with Psychology Courses)

Please see the Google Form, read the instructions and fill it at the earliest:


Link of Google Form: https://forms.gle/AkXE2kgefQ1TzHRp9


Please note:
1. The list of learners who have applied for Practical Exams for TEE June 2024 (while filling exam form) is displayed at these links:
2. All concerned, please check your name in the list, and can compare it with your Hall Ticket of TEE June 2024. There may be some learners who have applied for TEE June 2024 with late fee @1100/- Their names may be missing in the list. Such cases will be updated soon (if any). Such learners are advised to inform us their name Name, Programme Code, Enrollment Number, Practical Course Code and Scanned Copy of Hall Ticket in the Whatsapp group (or by email to rcdehradun@ignou.ac.in - if not present in the Group). We will make necessary follow up, and update the list at the earliest.

4. Now we are planning to organize Offline Practical Counselling and then Practical Exams (at SC2705 and SC2711 both). These Practical Exams will be conducted only in OFFLINE or Face to Face Mode.  As per University norms, each learner who want to appear in these Practical Exams are required to (i) Pay fee of Practical Courses and (ii) Attend some Offline Practical Sessions.

5. At Dehradun (SC2705), Practical Counselling and Practical Exams will be organized at NIEPVD (NIVH) Rajpur Road Dehradun. Schedule of Practical Counselling and Practical Exam w.r.t. SC2705 is as below :
A. Practical Counselling Schedule @2705:  (reporting time 2pm)
24 July (Wednesday): BAG (BPCC-131/134), BAPCH (BPCC-101/103/105)
25 July (Thursday): BAPCH (BPCC-110/112/114), MAPC (MPCL-7)
26 July (Friday): MAPC (MPCE-14/24/34)
B. Practical Exam Schedule @2705:  (reporting time: 9:45am)
BAG & BAPCH: 04 & 05 Aug (Sunday & Monday: Both programmes both days)
MAPC (MPCE-14 & MPCE-24): 04 Aug (Sunday)
MAPC (MPCL-7 & MPCE-34): 05 Aug (Monday)

6. At Haldwani (SC2711), Practical Counselling / Exams will be conducted at MBPG College Haldwani.  Schedule of Practical Counselling and Practical Exam w.r.t. SC2705 is as below
A. Practical Counselling Schedule @2711:   (reporting time: 10am)
BAG & BAPCH: 26 & 27 July (Thursday & Friday: Both programmes both days)
MAPC (MPCL-7 & MPCE-34): 28 July (Sunday)
MAPC (MPCE-14 & MPCE-24): 29 July (Monday)
B. Practical Exam Schedule @2711:   (reporting time: 9:45am)
BAG & BAPCH: 02 & 03 Aug (Friday & Saturday: Both programmes both days)
MAPC (MPCL-7 & MPCE-34): 04 Aug (Sunday)
MAPC (MPCE-14 & MPCE-24): 05 Aug (Monday)
8. At SC2705, we have conducted one round of Practical Counselling in the first week of June 2024. Still there are certain learners who could not attend those Practical Counselling. For them another round of Practical Counselling is being organized on 24, 25, 26 July 2024. Such learners are advised to attend these Sessions (without fail). Learners who have alreay attended Practical Counselling or those who will attend now are required to prepare Practical File, which have to be submitted before conduct of Practical Exams. 
11. Learners who belong to other Study Centres (other than 2705 and 2711), they have been clubbed / merged with either SC2705 or SC2711 (whichever LSC is near to them). You can see this merging in the given list of learners.This means that these learners have to attend Practical Counsellings as well as Practical Exams at either of the two Practical Exam Centres only (and not at their original Study Centre).
12. All concerned learners are also advised to join Whatsapp Group of their concerned programme (as any change in the schedule will be communicated in the concerned Group). If you are already present in the Group, you may ignore it.
Link of MAPC Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DLDj6iisb6x6w3jtMjStGX 
Link of BAG (with Psychology Courses) Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/LCyA1B8ViWW1Ejs42J9kHS 

All the concerned learners (who want to appear in Term End Practical Exam June 2024) are advised to fill this Google Form asap (desirable before 22 July 2024, 4pm) so that we can form batches for their practical counsellings and Practical Exams accordingly. Link of the Google Form is given at the top of this Notification. 

Once data is received (from Google Form) we will prepare batch wise plan and share it through the Whatsapp Group and Website of the Regional Centre Dehradun (http://rcdehradun.ignou.ac.in/).

Best wishes!
Regional Director
IGNOU Regional Centre Dehradun