09 February, 2025

Regional Centre


News Detail

Instruction regarding collection of Study Material from IGNOU Regional Centre Dehradun

19 November, 2024



IGNOU Regional Centre Dehradun

Instruction regarding collection of Study Material from IGNOU Regional Centre

Dear Learners,

If you receive any SMS from IGNOU Dehradun regarding collection of Study Material (SLM), please follow the following instructions:

1.                You should follow the date and timing mentioned in the SMS. If you visit Regional Centre on any other time, we may not be able to serve you, or you may have to wait unnecessarily for long time.

2.                 If you do not visit Regional Centre within specified time, your study material may be returned to IGNOU New Delhi.

3.                While visiting Regional Centre for collection of Study Material, please bring a print out of your Study Material Status which can be accessed through: 

For learners of Jan 2024 Session: https://gradecard.ignou.ac.in/mpddstatus/Jan24/StudentMaterialStatus.aspx

For learners of July 2024 Session: https://gradecard.ignou.ac.in/mpddstatus/Jul24/StudentMaterialStatus.aspx

4.                If you are unable to find the Study Material Status, then bring Print out of your Registration Status through link:


5.                While visiting the Regional Centre, please bring your IGNOU ID Card (or any other valid ID proof) with you.

6.                You are also advised to bring a bag to carry your books/study material, as we may not be able to provide you any bag.

7.                You have to come yourself to receive your study material. We will not issue your study material to other person. If, for any unavoidable circumstance you are not able to visit Regional Centre and want to send other person to collect your books, please send your hand written application with copy of your ID card and ID card of that person. Only after due verification, we will issue books to such person.

8.                If you have already received Study Material, and still received the SMS, you may ignore it, and do not visit Regional Centre for SLM.

9.                It is to inform that Regional Centre will provide you Study Material for only those courses for which your Material is received from IGNOU New Delhi. This means that we may/may not provide you complete set of material.

10.            If you have not received any SMS, and you want to check possibility of getting Study Material from Regional Centre. In such case you may visit Regional Centre, but we will provide material only if the Study Material is available with us.

 (Read the above instructions in this document )


(Regional Director)